Monday, 5 March 2018

End of the Road to Machu Picchu: An Update

First of all, I am sorry I have not written this post sooner, but I have been starring at my screen for weeks trying to figure out what I need to say. 

Last month, I woke up to an email from Childreach international. It read as follows:

As a result of financial difficulties and despite the ongoing efforts of all our staff and supporters, Childreach International has made the difficult decision to pause all its operations with immediate effect. We are currently working through what the implications of this will be for your trip, and collaborating with our suppliers to establish next steps for all concerned.

Within minutes of reading this email, I had convinced myself it was a joke, Someone has got hold of my email address and is trying to scam me I thought as I leapt onto the internet and searched for the Childreach International's website. My feelings of dread only deepened as the website was unavailable and no one was answering the phone number that was listed as their contact details.

as the day went on, it became apparent that it was true, Childreach International was going down and my trek to Machu Picchu,  the £1000 I had put into it, and over £500 of donations from family members and friends was gone. Within 5 hours of receiving that email, my fundraising page was suspended and I lost access to it all together. 

Over the days that followed, my group and I, as well as the hundreds of students across the UK waited to hear news from Childreach, and eventually, over a week later, it arrived in the form of a FAQ.

Can I be refunded for the cost of future fundraising events if they have to be cancelled?
We regret that we are not in a position to refund any costs incurred for fundraising events.

I have signed up to a Childreach International trip. If I chose not to go on an alternative trip will I be able to claim back my registration fee?
Your registration fees were not paid to by Childreach International therefore we are not in a position to refund them.

I am fundraising for a Childreach Event/ have donated money direct to Childreach International to support a fundraiser. Will the donations be refunded?
All money raised and donated to Childreach International up to and including January 19th 2018, via the BT MyDonate platform, has been transferred to Childreach International and used to meet the charitable objectives of the organisation, including our overseas programmatic work. These donations are non-refundable.
Donations made after 19th January have not yet been transferred and are currently being held in trust by BT My Donate. These are expected to be refunded to donors in the coming weeks.

One thing that I do want to say is Thank you to all of the people who gave money to me whilst I was fundraising, it meant so much given that many people can't really afford it and your support was incredible! The money that was raised has gone to helping the charity achieve its goals, so I draw some comfort from that fact, I am sorry I did not tell anyone sooner. But I hope you understand why it has taken me so long.

In terms of what I am going to do, maybe Machu Picchu was just a step too far. I will continue with my weight loss and look into doing a trek next year, who knows where I could go!?

If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below or message me on Facebook :) 


End of the Road to Machu Picchu: An Update

First of all, I am sorry I have not written this post sooner, but I have been starring at my screen for weeks trying to figure out what I n...