Monday 22 December 2014

The Christmas Tag

Hola :)
so as its Christmas is THREE DAYS!! AHHHH I thought I would do the Christmas tag as this is probably the only time of the year when I can do it without seeming like a total weirdo. So without further ado....

1. What is you favourite Christmas film?

  • Elf or Home Alone 2, I kind of grew up watching Home Alone every Christmas so i know it word for word, but Elf is just so light hearted and funny that it makes me smile just thinking about fact I'm off to watch it now.


2. Have you ever had a White Christmas?

  • YES!!! And it was amazing...we were up in Scotland (Pitlochry) having Christmas with my Aunt and we had sooo much Aunt lives beside Loch Tummel and her little bay was frozen solid...I could walk halfway out into the loch (despite my mother's best wishes), I think it was also the first time I went sledging.

3. Where do you usually spend your holiday?

  • At home mostly but we have a little tradition actually were we spend Christmas with our cousins, so we alternate between their house and ours. But when I was younger we used to alternate between a different relative's house each year, so we had Christmas with the same people...just in different places. 

4. What is your favourite Christmas song?
  • As a childhood rebellion song; I love 'Fairytale of New York' because the swearing used to make me giggle (Childish I know). But as an all time Christmas can't get much better that 'White Christmas', we used to listen to this when my family decorated the trees...such memories :)

    5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?

    • How would I be able to do that...Santa wouldn't have dropped them off yet ;)

    6. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?

    • :(

    7. What holiday traditions are you looking forward to most this year?

    • know I don't know if i have any holiday traditions...I don't know if it is a tradition, but I have always loved Christmas morning when you're waiting for everyone to wake up so you can run downstairs and see the presents under the tree :)

    8. Is your Christmas tree real of fake?

    • Real! I just love the smell. Although when I was at school my parents gave me a small fibre optic tree that was fake...but looked really cool when you turned it on :)
                              Tree number 1
                                                       Tree Number 2

    9. What is you all-time favourite Christmas food/sweet treat?

    • Mince Pies.....hmmmmm, nothing beats them...especially when they're homemade. But don't even think of doing the thing where people put orange zest into the pastry....just no!

    10. Be honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?

    • Giving...hands down...although if I am honest (which according to the question i have to be) it is the shopping I love...the feeling I get when I see the perfect present for a friend or family member is just amazing, whoever said retail therapy doesn't exist is a liar!

    11. What is the best Christmas gift you've ever received?

    • It's going to sound really cheesy but the one that sticks out in my mind is a small picture frame that I was given about 10 years ago. It wasn't fancy or anything but in it was our family photo, it makes me smile every time I see it and reminds me how lucky I am to have my family. (Cheddar anyone)

    12. What would be your dream place to visit for Christmas?

    • I know everyone is probably thinking New York...but not me. I have always wanted to spend Christmas in Berlin. My mother was born in Berlin and it was were my parents met, so I have always felt some sort of connection it. But it's also the fact that no one really does Christmas like people in Germany. My parents have always told me that the Christmas markets in Berlin are something to behold and one day I hope to :)

    13. Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably?

    • It depends really...if I am really proud of my shopping achievements and know the person is going to really love it then I am a pro...but if, like normal, I am in a rush...wrapping presents I just bought on Christmas Eve...then no...I'm terrible

    14. Most memorable Christmas moment?

    • I really have no idea...Every Christmas is special in it's own way...either that or I have an awful memory

    15. What made you realise the truth about Santa?

    • What truth....I don't know what you're talking about ;) alright, nobody told me the truth...I just kinda figured it out...oh and one Christmas my parents told me the trick of letters up the chimney...basically they stick to the wall of the chimney and after the fire has died you just reach up and see what your children want for Christmas...ta dah!!! Magic ruined :)

    16. Do you make New years resolutions? Do you stick to them?

    • I once gave up giving up....I'm doing pretty well at sticking to that one.

    17. What makes the holidays special for you?

    • is very rare in my family that we are all together, somehow we all managed to live and work in completely different places as far away from each other as it is possible to be without leaving the country. But there is an unspoken rule that everyone has to be home for Christmas, even if that means arriving at 3am on Christmas day. That is what makes it so special for me. 
    I hope you enjoyed reading this little look into my habits at this time of year. If you liked it then why not leave your responses in the comments below, share this post around a bit and don't forget to have a Merry Christmas :)

    Millie Xxx


    1. YOU CAN'T NAME THE REINDEER?!?!? I'm ashamed ;)

      1. IM SORRY :'( i tried...blitzen is my favourite <3


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